A high density urban housing project, produced in conjunction with Sean Poon at the National University of Singapore, which seeks to explore how one may be able to articulate shared living environments through breathable structural form.  The structure takes cues from gothic cathedrals as a way to give the living environments a more enlivened atmosphere.  The apartments and common areas have been designed as co-living environments; many traditional amenities are shared in the same vein as a co-working space, but optimised for residential application under a uniform system of columns and tertiary spaces.  
Axonometric looking northwest to the three residential clusters situated on a mixed-use pedestal on the large urban fringe site off Stirling Road (Singapore)
Placing the tower clusters within the site model (site model made of spray painted bass wood and plaster, towers made from custom plexiglass blocks)
Rendering of the southwest corner of the site as it meets Angora Circle.  Shown are the double height spaces of the mixed-use pedestal, meant to house parking and office space among other programs. 

Rendering of the lobby floor of one easternmost housing cluster.  shown is the lobby enclosed by a interior e facade.

Section facing northwest showing how the co-living and duplex units stack together, as well as the double height spaces within the duplex units themselves.  The pedestal is meant to sit into the site (elevation change of ~10 meters).

Drawing on left is birds eye exploded axonometric of the roof and column systems of the triangular shared space (located in between each tower cluster).  On the right top is another birds eye exploded axon of double layer of columns, and underneath it is a detail of how the facade columns interact at the corners of the towers. 

1:50 scale sectional model made of chipboard and concrete/plaster cast columns. Molds for various columns created as 3D printed scale models of realistic full scale mold.

Looking into triangular shared spaces as they rise between the towers.

Looking up to the shared space, ceilings of the floor slabs.

Typical floor slab for co-living units (left) and larger duplex units (right).

Interior view of duplex apartment showing double height spaces and double layered columnar facade.

Interior view of triangular shared space illustrating how the roof and column systems interact.

Various column prototypes made from either 3D printed holds and plaster or 3D printed ABS plastic.  

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